Our Services

As a mentorship institute, our objectives are to help people achieve their goals and needs via Entrepreneurship, Employment, Charity and Personal, Business or Organizational development.

Self Government & Character Formation

Here, each individual is considered as a government and tools to manage it will be exposed to you. If self is not well managed, it will not Manage anything giving to it. Here, participants will know that power is organized effort and success depends on power. You cannot have organized effort without internal organization. Therefore, our goal here is achieving internal organization.

Duration: 10 weeks

Productivity & Vision Generation

Here, you will learn how to develop a vision and goal of your own. You will discover that it’s lack of personal vision that makes most people to be violent and useless. You will understand that money is a product of an activity and it is vision that provides the activity. Since activity generates income, that is the money you are looking for. You will learn how to develop a repeatable source of income. Therefore, our goal here is Getting a vision.

Duration: 10 weeks

Management Principle

By the time you are done with the third stage, you will realize to your surprise that you have got a lot of insights and visions. You will discover why workers do not stay long working with you and you learn what to do to keep your workers and get the very best out of them. Here, you will learn management skills in ways no one has ever taught you. You will be exposed to how to do in order to manage and maintain what you are doing in your business, life, marriage, relationship. Therefore, our goal here is getting management skills within a specified period of time.

Duration: 10 Weeks

Leadership & Influence

Here, you realize that you cannot lead anyone without leading yourself first. You cannot have true influence, if you do not develop people. Here, you will be exposed to the most important things people need and gain access into their hearts for your business growth and otherwise. Therefore, our goal here is getting leadership/influence skills. 

Duration: 10 Weeks

When does the training take place?

It is done once a week for each participant. And we have 3 sessions per day(morning, afternoon and evening). This means you can choose any day and session from Monday to Friday and maintain it. This is designed this way to ensure that everyone is accommodated, you in particular.

Our Service Showcase